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Our Governors

Local Governing Body (LGB)

The governing body is responsible for the conduct of the school, promoting high standards in order to ensure the best possible education for pupils and to ensure that children are attending a successful school which provides them with a good education. They act at a strategic level; setting aims, objectives and policies for the school then monitoring progress toward these, leaving the Principal and senior school leaders responsible and accountable to the board for the operational day-to-day running of the school. 

LGB Members
Mrs Madeleine Maddock – Chair of Governors
Miss Diane Mahon – Principal
Mrs Sophie Travers – Staff Governor
Mr James Hall – Co-opted Governor
Mr Austin Brown – Co-opted Governor
Further information about the Local Governing Board can be requested through the Chair of Governers. The Chair can be contacted via the Clerk to the LGB, in writing at the school address below or by email at
LGB register of interests is included within a central register on the MAT website please click here.
Click here for information about the governance of the Great Heights Academy Trust.
Annual Academy Trust Reports and Accounts
If you would like a paper copy of information provided on our website, please contact the school office by email:

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