
At Nields, in addition to our statutory National Curriculum offer, we are proud to offer bespoke enrichment sessions specifically tailored to meet the needs of each individual child. Our Enrichment programme is underpinned by our School Mission Statement and our Core Values of cooperation, determination, friendship, honesty, tolerance and trust.

What is Enrichment at Nields?

Enrichment sessions are often a short-term, focused intervention for individuals or groups of children with specific social, emotional or behavioural difficulties that are creating a barrier to learning within a mainstream class. The Enrichment provision coordinated by Miss Higginson (SENDCo) and is supported by Miss Broadbent (HLTA).
Enrichment at Nields consists of a range of interventions designed to support the different individual needs of our children. These targeted interventions range from Drawing and Talking, Outdoor Experiential Learning, Meditation, Team Working, through to simple things like our ‘open door policy’ which creates a culture across our school where children know they can come and share their worries in a safe environment, with trusted adults, at any time.
Our range of interventions is ever growing as our staff are constantly developing their own subject knowledge and our training programme (CPD) at Nields allows our staff to stay informed of all the latest research based techniques and practices available to support children in their learning and development.

Who is entitled to Enrichment at Nields?

Thanks to our ‘open door policy’, every child at Nields can access Enrichment if they feel they need it although, as our school is built on a nurturing foundation, we also have a targeted approach to providing Enrichment.  Our SENDco works closely with all school staff to monitor the development and positive mental health and wellbeing of every child in our school.  If concerns are raised, we firmly believe in early intervention and will promptly begin the process of designing a bespoke package of Enrichment for the child.  Our staff will actively involve parents/carers in this process and endeavour to enhance the positive working relationship between home and school.  We may also involve other agencies to support the Enrichment process, with the consent of parents, such as the school nurse, police or other community teams.

How does it work?

Enrichment sessions are delivered in school time, in and around the school grounds or in our Enrichment Room, with something happening most days. Our children receive a variety of support, which in some cases may only last a short time, but may continue for a longer period for others.
Children attending Enrichment sessions remain an active part of their class, spending appropriate times accessing Enrichment, according to their individual needs and we will always ensure they are not missing any essential learning or activities in their class.
The core focus of our Enrichment support centres on developing self-confidence, self-worth and self-esteem. Once these areas begin to develop, children can begin to tackle resilience, or ‘not giving up when things get tricky!’ in their words. At Nields, we passionately believe that our children can achieve amazing things, if they believe in themselves as much as we believe in them.
As children learn academically and socially, they develop confidence, become responsive to others, learn self-respect and take pride in achieving and behaving well.  Our Enrichment support is not limited to the Enrichment sessions, as all staff will embed the nurturing principles and practice at a whole school level, providing appropriate support for all pupils attending Nields.

Further questions?

If you have any questions about our Enrichment provision, please contact our SENDCo, Miss Lisa Higginson, via the school office on 01484 842154.

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