Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium is additional school funding allocated to provide extra support to pupils on roll from low-income families who are currently known to be eligible for free school meals (FSM), or those pupils who have been in receipt of FSM in the past six years. This funding is also available for pupils in Local Authority care who have been looked after for more than six months and those.

Schools are free to spend the Pupil Premium as they wish but should demonstrate and promote an aim to improve the attainment and outcomes of pupil’s from deprived backgrounds. Research suggests that that this group of pupils underachieve compared to non-eligible pupils and therefore this money should be spent on strategies which enable and support the ‘narrowing of the gap.’ The spending will also be monitored in terms of its impact: this could be tracking attendance, behaviour or attainment for example depending on where it has been decided for the money to be spent.
The below documents provide a range of pupil premium related information including: about how much money our school receives, how it is spent and how eligible pupils perform in national statutory assessments alongside an evaluation of our spending and its impact.
Pupil Premium Statement 2024-25

PE & Sport Premium

Implementing the Sports Premium in our school
The Government has given every Primary School funding to develop Physical education and competitive sport. In our school we are using this funding by working with the Pennine Sports Partnership to:
  • Increase the amount of competition sport in which our children participate.
  • Make links to other community sports providers.
  • Develop additional clubs and activities for children, outside the curriculum.
  • Encourage our children to improve their leadership skills through sport.
  • Give extra support in PE to our most talented children and include those with special needs in sport.
Lastly, we are bringing PE and sports specialist teachers and coaches into work alongside class teachers in lessons. In this way, our children will gain new skills and experiences and teachers will learn new techniques and knowledge to aid them in teaching sport and PE. The long term aim is higher quality lessons and improved learning for all children.
PE & Sports Premium 2023-24
PE Funding Evaluation Form 2024-25

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